"I need to reduce recovery time,
complications, and resources....
"I need to avoid fluid overload
during resuscitation...
"I need to see cardiac
filling and function...
"I need to know if it's tamponade
or desaturation...
"I need to get my critical
patients off vent faster...
so I use hemodynamic ultrasound."

Connecting the Ultrasound Probe

  1. When ready to attach the probe, take the probe from its sterile packing. Remove the cover from the disposable probe connector as shown.
Panel 1 shows Remove the cover from the disposable probe connector.
Figure 1: Remove the cover from the disposable probe
  1. Position the probe connector and handle as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows Position the probe connector and handle in hand
Figure 2: Position the probe connector and handle in hand
  1. Align the probe with the handle.
Figure 3 shows aligning the probe and handle
Figure 3: Align probe and handle
  1. Insert the blue connector tab into the distal end of the handle (Figure 4).
Figure 4 shows Inserting the connector tab into distal end of the handle
Figure 4: Insert connector tab into distal end of the handle
  1. Gently press the probe connector over the handle; press the tab on the umbilical connector to assist with engagement (Figure 5). An audible click will indicate the probe is properly connected.
Figure 5 shows pressing the probe connector over the handle
Figure 5: Press the probe connector over the handle
  1. With the disposable probe locked into place, check articulation by moving level in each direction. The distal tip of the probe should flex in either direction.
Figure 6 shows checking of the articulation of the probe
Figure 6: Check articulation of the probe

Note: Expect flex of 90 degrees in the forward direction (anteflex) and 20 degrees minimum in reverse direction (retroflex).

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