"I need to reduce recovery time,
complications, and resources....
"I need to avoid fluid overload
during resuscitation...
"I need to see cardiac
filling and function...
"I need to know if it's tamponade
or desaturation...
"I need to get my critical
patients off vent faster...
so I use hemodynamic ultrasound."

Chapter 1: The “Mixed Picture” Patient

The Good Doctor Scott Roth, our Founder and CEO, is a cardiologist.

And he’s passionate about improving patient care for the sickest in our population. So it’s important for him (and us) to educate as many members of the healthcare community as possible, not only about our technology, but also about ways to resuscitate your most at-risk patients quickly and safely.

So who are these patients? Dr. Roth explains in the video below, they aren’t the same patients you may have seen 20 years ago. Give a listen.

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